Thursday, April 09, 2009

my so called life.

so when i was 13, just after a documentary on my father came out called 'the potter's meal', my uncle howard and sister louisa and i made this spoof. i haven't seen it since 1993, but this morning it was magically in my inbox. it's pretty amazing. if you've ever had to watch 'the potter's meal' for a byu class, or know my family at all, or just want to see me at the height of teen awkwardness, then please, be my guest. the funny thing is i'm not that different, i am still bad at telling jokes, i'm still a defender of cats, but at least i'm not wearing those light wash pegged legged jeans anymore with hideous long sleeved purple polo tucked in . . . anyways. happy thursday to all. and send me your teens.


Dainon. said...

I think all old home movies should exist on Facebook. I wish I had the skills to do what whoever put yours up did, cause I'd have me a mess o' fun.

kate said...

I cannot believe I watched this entire thing. How I love you as a teen.

LouBennion said...

No wonder people always thought you were older than me. I win hands-down in the awkwardness category. This much is clear: I was hyperactive, uncomfortable in front of a camera, badly needed a haircut, dressed myself in whatever hippie cast-offs were lying around the house, and was a lot meaner to cats than I am now. Somebody should have staged an intervention.

david. said...

zina... i don't see much difference in your appearance (minus the pants) or your sense of humour!?? this could have been taken last week, for all we know.

you're not fooling ANYONE!

english said...

your uncle hits me somewhere between Uncle Rico and that big cockroach guy from Men In Black.

you guys are really brave. my mom converted a bunch of our old vhs to dvd last Christmas and I can barely watch my 14yr old self.