Monday, April 27, 2009


so i leave for costa rica tomorrow night. i've been researching my brains out. there are just too many things to do/see . . . not to mention the point of this trip it so relax . . . i'm thinking a week in the mountains (volcano's, cloudforests, and a weird topiary town i found) and then a week on the beach. originally i was thinking pacific side a la nicoya peninsula, but the more i research, the more i like the southern caribbean side especially when i found THE SLOTH SANCTUARY!!! where you can kayak along a river looking at wild sloths and then go HOLD BABY SLOTHS!!Link!! if you've got the cash you can even SLEEP WITH THE SLOTHS!!! oh man. i have to go there. (plus they have a 'slothpital'). plus i've been looking at heading to bocas del toro, these awesome islands just over on the panama side that look pretty sweet. we'll see. it'll be an adventure for sure. in other news annalisa & i got all the tomatoes planted in the garden, plus several types of lettuce, spinach, endive, peas, some onions, beets, etc. plus i have a bunch of stuff started indoors. yeah garden! yeah sloths!


ellie lou said...

ack! that baby sloth is cuting me out! please bring one back for me! [or at least a black boyfriend]

english said...

oh, now I get it. slothpital.

a couple weeks ago I saw, through the window of a closed casino gift shop, a baseball hat that, at first, I thought said "I (heart) sloths".

of course on second glance it was "slots". (but I guess there are worse possible misreadings of "I love slots")

Hailey said...

BABY SLOTHS?! No way. Sooo cute! But Zina! I wouldn't sleep with one. If you have to pay--it's just not the same, also, imagine what a person could catch!
I just learned a few days ago that a baby porcupine is called a porcupet. They are also ridiculously cute.
God has a great sense of humor!
Hope you are having a great time!

david. said...

my goodness you're up to so much.
i'm sad i won't be on this adventure with you but so happy you're having so much fun!
alaska tires me out. so far i come home after work and want to just fall asleep! but hopefully i'll become accustomed with the schedule and do some fun stuff. it's gorgeous out here, zina!

Dainon. said...

I want to sleep with sloths. My granddad had one of those when they lived in Panama and it just hung around his neck all the time, perfectly content to exist and be part of his world. His name was Spidey (for obvious reasons) and he always appeared to be smiling. I like that.