Monday, October 23, 2006


Well, voting season is in the air, time to don your bright orange jackets and woodsie camo pants and head out with a rifle and some hot cocoa. . . hunting for the issues, the answers, the candidates. Well folks, I'm here to make your job easier. I'm providing free for the taking meeting with Pete Ashdown, the democratic candidate running against Orrin Hatch, this Saturday right here in good 'ol Provo.
Originally my roomie Ash and I thought we'd have it at our humble abode, but quickly realized that wouldn't suffice. So here are the deats:
Saturday, Oct. 28th
3 pm
Gallery One Ten, 110 S. 300 W. Provo
Come be informed, bring your questions, see your friends! Bring your friends!

1 comment:

english said...

sorry couldn't make it today.

we were driving in Sandy yesterday evening and saw Pete & boosters in suit & with signs getting roudy on the corner of State & 10600 S. we were in the left turn lane waiting for the light to change so we could go by and honk, represent, big up etc. but when we got to the corner the whole bunch of them had vanished, leaving their signs and stuff. wtc?

then we saw they were (all 9 or so of them) pushing someone who'd stalled. where are the camera crews when you need them?