Monday, November 02, 2009

ma seour en france

my dear older sister louisa left last week to live in a tiny village nestled in the south of france for a year. sigh. good thing i'll be going to visit her . . . maybe twice. as per my request she started a blog to make the rest of us poor lab rats jealous. start drooling now.


The Baker's Goods said...

Oh Zina, take me with you when you go!

Marcus Pulsipher said...

Yeah, that's really not fair. No one should be allowed to have that charmed of a life.

Eliza said...

what is the address of said sister's blog? this rat would like to know :)!

zlb said...

if you put your cursor over the words "a blog" in my post it is linked to her blog. or you can find her in my blog roll to the right under the name 'ma seour en france'

Young People in Love said...

droooooooling has commenced.